MCE 05-08 Fit porta Christi pervia



See the general ‘Evaluation of the sourcesʼ at the level of the cycle.

Except for two wrong pitches and one inaccuracy concerning the text, the transmission of I-Mfd 1 is reliable and accurate.

In the motet the melody of the hymn Fit porta Christi pervia is used at the opening and paraphrased throughout the piece, especially in Cantus, Tenor, and Bassus. The first part of the motet, set yo the lines of this hymn (until m. 40), seems to be entirely built on the chant melody, freely elaborated and distributed between the voices. The version of the chant Weerbeke used is similar to the melody in the Cantus Database with the ID 008305:04

Text (ed. by Eva Ferro)



Fit porta Christi pervia,
Refulta plena gratia,
Transitque[i] rex et permanet
Clausa ut fuit per saecula.

Christ’s door is made open,
fully shining with grace,
and the king passes and it stays
closed, as it was before, throughout the ages.

Genus superni luminis
Processit[ii] aula virginis,
Sponsus[1], redemptor, conditor,
Suae gigas ecclesiae.

The descendant of celestial light,
He proceeded through the virgin’s hall;
husband, saviour, creator,
His church’s giant.

Honor matris et gaudium,
Immensa spes credentium,
Per atra mortis pocula
Resolvit nostra crimina.

His mother’s honour and joy,
huge hope of the faithful;
In death’s dark cups
He dissolves our crime.

Maria, mater gratiae,
Mater misericordiae,
Tu nos ab hoste protege
Et hora[2] mortis suscipe.

Mary, mother of grace,
Mother of mercy,
protect us from the enemy
and lift us up in the hour of death.

Gloria tibi, domine,
Qui natus es[3] de virgine
Cum patre, sancto spiritu[4]
In sempiterna saecula.

Glory to you, Lord,
Born from the virgin,
With the Father and the Holy Ghost
for ages to come.

[1] sponsus] et was added in Librone 1, B

[2] hora] in hora Librone 1, C A T

[3] es] est Librone 1, A B

[4] spiritu] spiri in Librone 1, B

[i] transitque] transiitque Librone 1, C

[ii] processit] procesit Librone 1, A

This edition is based on Librone 1, which transmits this motet at ff. 133v–134r.

Very few erroneous readings can be observed in the source: instead of hora the manuscript reports ‘in hora’ in Cantus, Altus and Tenor. The verb es (‘you are’) is wrongly copied as a third person singular ‘est’ (‘he/she/it is’). As for phonetic variance one can observe here as well the indifference of medieval Latin copyists towards double consonants (‘procesit’ instead of processit in A).

The first three stanzas of the motet are drawn from Sedulius’s A solis ortus cardine, an abcederian hymn that celebrates the Virgin Mary and was used in the liturgy of different Marian feasts (AH 27, no. 28, pp. 117–18).[1] The text of the fourth stanza of the motet is more devotional in nature and corresponds to the first stanza of the hymn for the Little Office of the BVM (AH 12, no. 72, p. 48, stanza 1, with ‘plena gratiae’ instead of ‘mater gratiae’). The last strophe consists of a standard doxology of several Marian hymns. Even if the text of this motet looks like a cento from different prayers, it corresponds to a version of the hymn found in books of hours compiled in Flanders.[2]

[1] See Cantus Database.

[2] See Agnese Pavanello, ‘Praying to Mary: Another Look at Gaspar van Weerbeke’s Marian Motetti Missales’, in Motet Cycles between Devotion and Liturgy, ed. Daniele V. Filippi and Agnese Pavanello, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Scripta 7 (Basel: Schwabe, 2019), 339–80, at 353.

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Measure Voice Source Category Comment Image
I-Mfd1 designation of voices -, Contra Altus, Tenor, Contra bassus
I-Mfd1 clefs original clefs: c1, c3, c4, f2
9-10 2 I-Mfd1 text underlay Transitque rex
12-14 2 I-Mfd1 text underlay et permanet
38 1 I-Mfd1 pitch and rhytm Mi a instead of the first Mi g' (error)
39 3 I-Mfd1 pitch and rhythm Mi g + Mi g instead of Sb g (tie is editorial)
56 3 I-Mfd1 pitch and rhytm Mi g instead of the first Mi f
69 1 2 3 4 I-Mfd1 pitch and rhythm all final notes are Mx

Fit porta Christi pervia,
Refulta plena gratia,
Transitque rex et permanet
Clausa ut fuit per saecula.

Christ’s door is made open,
fully shining with grace,
and the king passes and it stays
closed, as it was before, throughout the ages.

Genus superni luminis
Processit aula virginis,
Sponsus, redemptor, conditor,
Suae gigas ecclesiae.

The descendant of celestial light,
He proceeded through the virgin’s hall;
husband, saviour, creator,
His church’s giant.

Honor matris et gaudium,
Immensa spes credentium,
Per atra mortis pocula
Resolvit nostra crimina.

His mother’s honour and joy,
huge hope of the faithful;
In death’s dark cups
He dissolves our crime.

Maria, mater gratiae,
Mater misericordiae,
Tu nos ab hoste protege
Et hora mortis suscipe.

Mary, mother of grace,
Mother of mercy,
protect us from the enemy
and lift us up in the hour of death.

Gloria tibi, domine,
Qui natus es de virgine
Cum patre, sancto spiritu
In sempiterna saecula.

Glory to you, Lord,
Born from the virgin,
With the Father and the Holy Ghost
for ages to come.