MCE 05-06 Quem terra pontus aethera



The motet is transmitted in both Libroni almost identically. Besides a single melodic/rhythmic variant (at m. 33), a few omissions of text, and other inaccuracies in the text underlay in I-Mfd 2, no other substantial differences separate the two copies. It is unclear, however, whether I-Mfd 1 was the source for I-Mfd 2, or, more likely (on the basis of the observations concerning Ave regina caelorum), the two motets were copied from another source.

In the Silesian source PL-Wu 5892 the motet is copied without the flat in the key signature. Because of the setting of erroneous clefs in Cantus and Altus, the second part of the motet sounds in these voices at a wrong pitch, distorting the sense of the composition. Once the clefs is emended, the melodic lines on the whole match the Milanese transmission, except for some rhythmic and melodic variants and an error at m. 40 (as well as a few inaccuracies, such as the omission of the final note in the Tenor). No accidentals are notated. The text is written out in all voices. The distribution of the verses shows one major discrepancy (B, mm. 18–23) compared to the Milanese source. In the written repetition of the word ‘desideratus’ in all (and not in just two) voices this source shares the reading of I-Mfd 2.

The more complete and more carefully written version of the motet in I-Mfd 1 has been used as the source of this edition.

Text (ed. by Eva Ferro)



Quem terra, pontus[i], aethera[ii]
Colunt, adorant, praedicant,
Trinam[1] regentem machinam[2]
Claustrum[3] Mariae baiulat[4],
Secreta[5] quae non noverat.

He whom earth, sea, and the heavens
honour, adore, announce,
ruling the threefold creation
Mary’s cloistered womb carries,
she who did not know the secrets.

Cui[6] luna, sol et omnia
Deserviunt per tempora,
Perfusa caeli gratia
Gestant[7] puellae[8] viscera[9].

The one whom moon, sun, and all things
ardently serve through the ages,
suffused by heaven’s grace
the womb of a girl bears.

Beata mater munere,
Cuius supernus artifex
Mundum[10][iii] pugillo[11][iv] continens[v]
Ventris[12] sub arca clausus est.

Mother blessed with a gift,
whose highest Creator,
he who contains the world in his little fist,
was closed up in ⟨her⟩ womb’s casket.

Beata caeli nuntio,
Fecunda sancto spiritu,
Desideratus[vi] gentibus
Cuius per alvum[13] fusus est.

Blessed by heaven’s messenger,
fertile through the Holy Ghost,
desired by the people
through whose womb was brought forth.

[1] trinam] trina Librone 2, C A

[2] machinam] added below the line PL-Wu 5892, C

[3] claustrum] clastrum PL-Wu 5892, B

[4] baiulat] baiulant Librone 1, T

[5] secreta] was corrected in secreta from secrata PL-Wu 5892, C

[6] cui] added below the line PL-Wu 5892, C

[7] gestant] gestat Librone 2, T B

[8] puellae] pele Librone 2, T, puella B

[9] viscera] uisera Librone 1, T B; Librone 2, B

[10] mundum] mundo Librone 2, T

[11] pugillo] pusilo Librone 2, T

[12] ventris] ventis Librone 2, T; ventus Librone 2, B

[13] alvum] alium Librone 1, T

[i] pontus] pondus Librone 1, C A T B; puntus Librone 2, C T

[ii] aethera] etera Librone 2, A

[iii] mundum] mondum Librone 1, A

[iv] pugillo] pugilo Librone 1, A T

[v] continens] cuntinens Librone 2, A T

[vi] desideratus] descideratus Librone 2, T

The edition of the text of this motet is based on three sources: Librone 1 (ff. 131v–132r), Librone 2 (ff. 52v–53r), and PL-Wu 5892 (ff. 11v–12r). The two Libroni, and especially Librone 2, present more inaccuracies than the Silesian/Polish manuscript: in Librone 2 for instance we find: ‘trina’ for trinam in Cantus and Altus, ‘gestat’ for gestant in Tenor, ‘pele’ for puellae in Cantus, ‘mundo’ for mundum in Tenor, ‘ventis’ for ventris in Tenor, and ‘ventus’ for ventris in Bassus, and so on. The Silesian/Polish source, on the contrary, transmits a good text and its copyist even intervened to correct words that had been wrongly copied in the first place (for instance, he corrects ‘secrata’ to secreta in the Cantus). Also, while the Libroni offer a wide range of phonetic variance (d for t in pontus in Librone 1, A T B; o for u in mundum in Librone 1, A), the third source presents no particular phonetic phenomena, except those most commonly attested in medieval Latin.

The literary source for this motet is a hymn dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Quem terra, pontus, aethera (AH 50, no. 72, at pp. 86–87, stanzas 1, 2, 4, 5), written in the sixth century by Venantius Fortunatus, an Italian poet who was active in the Merovingian territory and became bishop of Poitiers. All stanzas of the motet are drawn from this hymn, except for the insertion of a line from another late antique hymn, Sedulius’s A solis ortus cardine (AH 50, no. 53/2, at p. 58, stanza 3, line 4) at the end of the first stanza (‘secreta, quae non noverat’). Quem terra, pontus, aethera was used liturgically for different Marian feasts (Annunciation, Purification, Nativity, and so on). The text of the hymns is followed to the letter, except for the substitution of the word ‘beata’ for benedicta in the fourth stanza of the motet.

Librone 1, ff.  131v132r and Librone 2, ff. 52v53r

AH 50, no. 72

Quem terra, pontus, aethera
Colunt, adorant, praedicant,
Trinam regentem machinam
Claustrum Mariae baiulat,
Secreta quae non noverat.

1. Quem terra, pontus, aethera
Colunt, adorant, praedicant,
Trinam regentem machinam
Claustrum Mariae baiulat.

Cui luna, sol et omnia
Deserviunt per tempora,
Perfusa caeli gratia
Gestant puellae viscera.

2. Cui luna, sol et omnia
Deserviunt per tempora,
Perfusa caeli gratia
Gestant puellae viscera.

Beata mater munere,
Cuius supernus artifex
Mundum pugillo continens
Ventris sub arca clausus est.

4. Beata mater munere,
Cuius supernus artifex
Mundum pugillo continens
Ventris sub arca clausus est.

Beata caeli nuntio,
Fecunda sancto spiritu,
Desideratus gentibus
Cuius per alvum fusus est.

5. Benedicta caeli nuntio,
Fecunda sancto spiritu,
Desideratus gentibus
Cuius per alvum fusus est.

The metrical scheme of this hymn is typical for medieval hymns and goes back to Ambrose’s hymns. It involves the use of eight iambs (∪ — ∪ — ∪ — ∪ —).

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Measure Voice Source Category Comment Image
I-Mfd1 designation of voices -, Contra Altus, Tenor, Contra bassus
I-Mfd2 designation of voices -, [A]ltus, [T]enor, [B]assus
PL-Wu_5892 designation of voices -, A[ltus], T[enor], B[assus]
I-Mfd1; I-Mfd2 clefs original clefs: c1, c3, c4, f2
PL-Wu_5892 clefs original clefs: c1, c4, c4, f2
1 2 3 4 PL-Wu_5892 key signatures no b-flat is notated
1 2 3 4 PL-Wu_5892 mensuration signs C instead of cut-C
1-10 4 I-Mfd2 text underlay Quem terra pontus aethera (the two following verses are missing)
1-10 4 PL-Wu_5892 text underlay machinam is missing
5-10 2 I-Mfd2 text underlay Colunt, adorant, praedicant trinam machinam claustrum (regentem is missing)
6 3 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm two Mi b instead of dotted Mi b and Sm b
8 3 PL-Wu_5892 coloration minor color instead of dotted Mi c' and Sm b
8 3 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm Mi c' instead of the second Mi b
11-15 2 I-Mfd2 text underlay Mariae baiulat secreta quae non noverat
12 1 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm Mi f' and Sm f' instead of dotted Mi
12 2 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm Sm g instead of Sm a after dotted Mi a
12 4 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm Sm c instead of Sm d after dotted Mi d
13 4 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm Mi e instead of Mi f
14-19 1 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm the whole passage is erroneously notated a third higher
15 1 3 I-Mfd1; I-Mfd2 text underlay Cui is treated here as a single syllable
15 2 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm black Sb and Mi rest instead of white Sb
15 4 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm black Sb and Mi rest instead of white Sb
16 3 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm two black Mi b instead of black Sb b
19-23 4 PL-Wu_5892 text underlay cui luna sol et omnia deserviunt per tempora instead of the following two verses (perfusa…viscera)
20 4 I-Mfd1 pitch and rhythm Sb b formely notated with stem as Mi (emended through erasure)
23-43 1 PL-Wu_5892 clefs g2 clef until the end of the piece; this groundless insertion causes the Cantus to be a third higher
23-43 2 PL-Wu_5892 clefs wrong clefs determine an uncorrect reading of the pitches: c3 clef until the first half of m. 37; c4 clef from the second half of m. 37 (new staff); this causes the pitches to be a second lower in the whole passage
23-43 1 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm the passage is a third higher if read in the given g2 clef, while it is correct if read in the c1 clef of the beginning
26 1 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm black Sb a' and black Sb f' instead of black Mi a' and black Mi f'
26 2 PL-Wu_5892 accidentals no flat
26-27 2 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm dotted Mi e' + Sm d' + Mi b + dotted Mi d' + Sm d' + Mi a (reading the notes at the correct pitch level: see comments to mm. 23–43 above) instead of dotted Mi e'-flat + Sm b + Mi c' + dotted Mi d' + Sm c' + Mi a
27-33 4 PL-Wu_5892 text underlay nuntio is missing
29 3 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm black Mi c' instead of black Mi d'
30 3 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm black Mi b and black Mi a instead of dotted black Mi b and black Sm a
30 4 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm black Mi d and black Mi c instead of black dotted Mi d and black Sm c
33 1 I-Mfd2 pitch and rhythm dotted Mi a' and Sm b' instead of Sb a'
37-38 2 4 I-Mfd2; PL-Wu_5892 text underlay the repetition of desideratus is written out in the mss.
40 2 PL-Wu_5892 accidentals no flat before e'
40 4 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm c and d notated as black Sb instead of black Mi (stem is missing)
43 3 PL-Wu_5892 pitch and rhythm final note is missing
43 1 2 3 4 I-Mfd1 pitch and rhythm all final notes are Mx
43 1 2 3 PL-Wu_5892 musical symbols fermata signs

Quem terra, pontus, aethera
Colunt, adorant, praedicant,
Trinam regentem machinam
Claustrum Mariae baiulat,
Secreta quae non noverat.

He whom earth, sea, and the heavens
honour, adore, announce,
ruling the threefold creation
Mary’s cloistered womb carries,
she who did not know the secrets.

Cui luna, sol et omnia
Deserviunt per tempora,
Perfusa caeli gratia
Gestant puellae viscera.

The one whom moon, sun, and all things
ardently serve through the ages,
suffused by heaven’s grace
the womb of a girl bears.

Beata mater munere,
Cuius supernus artifex
Mundum pugillo continens
Ventris sub arca clausus est.

Mother blessed with a gift,
whose highest Creator,
he who contains the world in his little fist,
was closed up in ⟨her⟩ womb’s casket.

Beata caeli nuntio,
Fecunda sancto spiritu,
Desideratus gentibus
Cuius per alvum fusus est.

Blessed by heaven’s messenger,
fertile through the Holy Ghost,
desired by the people
through whose womb was brought forth.